vers. 7 Jul 2024 - beta

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Last QSO

Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
LA2VRA M7EVG Norway - England 19:0240mFT8 
W1SS PA3DZM United States - Netherlands 19:0217mFT8 
SQ7FBP PA2RO Poland - Netherlands 19:0220MFT8 
HC3RJ LU9ATK Ecuador - Argentina 19:0210mFT8 
R5ZQ DC8SG European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 19:0280MFT8 
R3PLD D1IOI European Russia - European Russia 19:02160MSSB 
ON7DY SP7SLO Belgium - Poland 19:0215mFT8 
LW8DRU TZ4AM Brazil - Mali 19:0115mCW 
HB9MZI DO6EN Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 19:0180mFT8 
IN3IZQ TA3FR Italy - Turkey 19:0130mFT8 
EA8TL YO4ASD Canary Is. - Romania 19:0120mFT4 
PD4RD JA4FKX Netherlands - Japan 19:0140MFT8 
SP9FVO 8Q7PR Poland - Maldives 19:0117MFT8 
OV3T PC2K Denmark - Netherlands 19:0170CMFT8 
BA7NCT DL8UVG China - Fed. Republic of Germany 19:0120mFT8 
DL1HB HB9CXZ Fed. Republic of Germany - Switzerland 19:01160mFT8 
8Q7PR SP9FVO Maldives - Poland 19:0117mFT8 
PB5X 2W1HOW Netherlands - Wales 19:0140mLSB 
DL4FNE ON3XMU Fed. Republic of Germany - Belgium 19:0180MFT8 
CS8ABF OE7LVI Azores - Austria 19:0140mFT4 
W1SS WF0G United States - United States 19:0117mFT8 
CX3DDO IW2ENA Uruguay - Italy 19:0110mFT8 
OK1BR F4AGZ Czech Republic - France 19:0120mFT4 
DS5TUK CT2HEX Republic of Korea (S. Korea) - Portugal 19:0130MFT8 
G0OBK R4FDK England - European Russia 19:0120MFT8 
R3PLD D1IMP European Russia - European Russia 19:01160MSSB 
LU6DTJ K0BWQ Argentina - United States 19:0010mFT8 
W3YNI W6GSQ United States - United States 19:0017mFT8 
N4NR KQ4VET United States - United States 19:0020mFT8 
ON5GQ E74K Belgium - Bosnia-Herzegovina 19:0020mFT8 
EA3IBV PU2NEZ Spain - Brazil 19:0010mSSB 
IW2ENA CX3DDO Italy - Uruguay 19:0010mFT8 
IU4RCA V26K Italy - Antigua & Barbuda 19:0017mCW 
G8LRS OH5C England - Finland 19:0030mFT8 
DJ9UN 5R8BM Fed. Republic of Germany - Madagascar 19:0020mUSB 
F8AGD YB2SLF France - Indonesia 19:0020mFT8 
CT2HEX DS5TUK Portugal - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 19:0030mFT8 
HB9TIH 4V1SAVANNAH Switzerland - Haiti 19:0020mFT4 
CT1EQQ N4QS Portugal - United States 19:0015mFT4 
LA2VRA EA5IVR Norway - Spain 19:0040mFT8 
PD0YL OE7LVI Netherlands - Austria 19:0040mFT4 
EA5IVR LA2VRA Spain - Norway 19:0040mFT8 
8Q7PR OK1CL Maldives - Czech Republic 19:0017mFT8 
KG4OJT KO9V United States - United States 19:0020mFT8 
CS8ABF DK1XAM Azores - Fed. Republic of Germany 19:0040mFT4 
IU1MRH PB5X Italy - Netherlands 19:0040mLSB 
F5LOW KI1G France - United States 19:0020mFT8 
G0KPH OH5C England - Finland 19:0030mFT8 
PB5X IW3BVS Netherlands - Italy 19:0040mLSB 
R3PLD D1ILW European Russia - European Russia 19:00160MSSB 
SQ7FBP OZ9JEP Poland - Denmark 19:0020MFT8 
R5ZQ R7CD European Russia - European Russia 19:0080MFT8 
CX3DDO DK2TX Uruguay - Fed. Republic of Germany 19:0010mFT8 
ON7DY S51AD Belgium - Slovenia 19:0015mFT8 
RA3QH SP1MGM European Russia - Poland 19:0040MFT8 
IW2DNI PP5HR Italy - Brazil 18:5915mFT8 
LU7DZ NA5Q Argentina - United States 18:5910mFT8 
F5LGW SP6JZP France - Poland 18:5930mFT4 
F4IIX OM0RX France - Slovak Republic 18:59160mFT8 
UR4FY G0OSK Ukraine - England 18:5920MFT8 
DG5PW OH5C Fed. Republic of Germany - Finland 18:5930mFT8 
DL6YDR UW5SW Fed. Republic of Germany - Ukraine 18:5940mFT8 
G0OSK UR4FY England - Ukraine 18:5920mFT8 
W1SS EA7UW United States - Spain 18:5917mFT8 
EA1FCR IK1JNP Spain - Italy 18:5940mFT8 
HB9VKL DG6YMK Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5940mFT8 
EA2DYB SV/OE3PKB Spain - Greece 18:5930mFT8 
F4BHK 8Q7PR France - Maldives 18:5917mFT8 
F4DIA YL3HI France - Latvia 18:5910mFT8 
PB5X IU1MRH Netherlands - Italy 18:5940mLSB 
EA4CPM G0ODP Spain - England 18:5917mFT8 
IZ4AIF IU4MES Italy - Italy 18:5923cmUSB 
8Q7PR F4BHK Maldives - France 18:5917mFT8 
IZ8VYU N2WMF Italy - United States 18:5920mFT8 
M7REV SP8XGU England - Poland 18:5930mFT8 
HC3RJ N5RIV Ecuador - United States 18:5910mFT8 
EA8TL OU1E Canary Is. - Denmark 18:5920mFT4 
EA4AY S01WS Spain - Western Sahara 18:5917mUSB 
CX3DDO DG2PX Uruguay - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5910mFT8 
DS5TUK OM8GT Republic of Korea (S. Korea) - Slovak Republic 18:5930MFT8 
IZ0MIT YB4ECU Italy - Indonesia 18:5830mFT8 
SP1SZ II0IHMG Poland - Italy 18:5830mFT8 
LU6DTJ EA7FPF Argentina - Spain 18:5810mFT8 
SQ3KNL PE2K Poland - Netherlands 18:5820mFT4 
PA2DKW OZ1IIL Netherlands - Denmark 18:5823cmUSB 
IU4RCA S01WS Italy - Western Sahara 18:5817mUSB 
N5RN NM1G United States - United States 18:5820mFT8 
OM8GT DS5TUK Slovak Republic - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 18:5830mFT8 
EA3IBV LU7DLS Spain - Argentina 18:5810mSSB 
HG0NPJ K4EM Hungary - United States 18:5817mFT8 
DL1HB F5RMK Fed. Republic of Germany - France 18:58160mFT8 
KG4OJT DL1THR United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5820mFT8 
IZ3VCN GM4ZMK Italy - Scotland 18:5860mFT8 
G0KPH TK5NJ England - Corsica 18:5830mFT8 
VE3PP K5WWT Canada - United States 18:5817mFT8 
BA7NCT DF8AA China - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5820mFT8 
F5MXH OK2UQE France - Czech Republic 18:5817MFT8 
DO1NIC DD6FV Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5880mLSB 
G0KEE VO1OP England - Canada 18:5820mFT4 
YO3DYL RX1AB Romania - European Russia 18:5830mFT8 
GM3MZX US2UM Scotland - Ukraine 18:5820mFT4 
ON3MVC ON1BBD Belgium - Belgium 18:582mFM 
EA5JFO DH5LS Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 18:5820mFT8